Comprehensive Oil Tank Protection with the TankSure® Program

Bioheat® fuel tanks in the Capital District, Saratoga, and Lake George Region typically corrode from the inside out and often show no exterior signs of wearing excessively thin. The TankSure® Program enables us to evaluate the safety and integrity of your aboveground Bioheat® fuel tank using an EPA approved ultrasonic tank test. Using the program’s testing technology, our technicians detect the level of corrosion inside your Bioheat® fuel tank and predict the likelihood of your tank needing replacement soon. As an additional benefit, if your tank qualifies for the program, you will receive a $1,000 tank replacement payment for a future replacement of your Bioheat® fuel tank*.


Benefits of the TankSure® Program

  • Qualifying tanks receive a $1,000 tank replacement payment to help cover the cost of a replacement*.
  • Using EPA approved testing technology, ultrasonic equipment detects the level of corrosion inside Bioheat® fuel tanks.
  • This service helps protect your home. Proactive replacement can help avoid costly remediation expenses.
  • Included is an inspection of common tank components such as legs, seams, fill and vent pipes, Bioheat® fuel lines, and vent whistle.
  • For aboveground non-qualifying tanks, we will give you a $250 replacement credit to upgrade your Bioheat® fuel tank.

*The TankSure® Program is only available for existing fuel delivery customers. To qualify for the TankSure® Program, your tank must not need immediate replacement at the time of the initial inspection. To guarantee renewal coverage thereafter, the TankSure® Program warranty renews automatically, and the ultrasonic tank inspection is scheduled as part of your annual tune-up.